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Estate agency no. 1 in Pomorze


For over 20 years we have been contributing to the history of the estate market in Pomorze. We have handled thousands of successful transactions, launched innovative solutions, and built our largest capital, which is experience. We know the local estate market well. We are committed to realizing effective and beneficial transactions for both parties.

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Local estate agency

Safe and secure transaction


We know well, how important it is for our customers to feel confident that a transaction is safe and secure, so all of our transactions are fully insured. An additional guarantee of safety is our many years of experience, the highest standards of control and operation, and also the professional licenses that our Advisors cover. The thousands of transactions we have already made, make us experts in the security of your money. By deciding to cooperate with us, you will stress-free, sell, buy, convert or rent any property.

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Guarantee  of secure transaction

No hidden extra costs


Buy without commission - with us, you can buy an apartment, a house or a land, all safe and without commission. That means that the fee, will only be charged on one side of the transaction - from the seller. We are the precursor of this model, not only in Pomorze, but also in whole of Poland! We also guarantee the best price possible - we do not hide any extra costs and we conduct effective negotiations.

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Buy without commission

The biggest and most effective estate agency in Pomorze


We have been in the market for 24 years. Thanks to our rich experience, we are currently one of the largest estate agencies in Pomorze, as well as throughout the country. Record high fast sales, more than 80 transactions a month and nearly 1 200 a year - thanks to effective actions, we fulfill the promises made to our customers every day. We know that being a leader on the market is a great honor, but also a responsibility and a motivation for further actions, so every day we create the future, setting new goals and challenges.



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25 years  of experience

Motivation for further actions


Sale guarantee, fast and beneficial transactions for both sides, applications for monitoring our activities - these are the strengths that we have gained, from customers to trust us. Positive feedback confirms, that it is worth it, working together. We encourage you to read the comments about our company, which are located in the Opinions tab. A survey of our services is carried out periodically, through a telephone contact. All of our feedback is extremely important - they not only provide great motivation for further action, but also help identify areas that require even more attention.

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Customer’s  opinion

Efficiency and commitment


We have achieved the success together. Our sales team consists of more than 50 experienced agents. It is them, who, every day and with passion, find the best solutions for our customers, with the energy and determination they put into their work, they create the best business card of our company.

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Best Agents

Najczęściej wyróżniana agencja nieruchomości na Pomorzu
Nagrody 2024
Open uri20250119 90435 yj1gli?1737316893

House for sale

Tczew, ul. Romualda Traugutta

649 000 PLN

64.0 m2
Open uri20250120 25717 1ksgoib?1737381768

Apartment for sale

Gdynia, Śródmieście, al. marsz. Piłsudskiego

1 199 000 PLN

82.8 m2
Open uri20250121 4659 yojlxn?1737466433

Apartment for sale

Gdynia, Kamienna Góra, al. marsz. Piłsudskiego

1 199 000 PLN

82.8 m2
Open uri20250123 78409 7hom6l?1737637598

Local for sale

Gdańsk, Kokoszki, ul. Cementowa

45 000 000 PLN

5000.0 m2
Open uri20250121 49840 wz7d61?1737460890

Apartment for sale

Gdynia, Fikakowo, ul. Myśliwska

1 043 000 PLN

70.0 m2
Open uri20250124 30619 1xereif?1737748895

Apartment for sale

Gdańsk, Żabianka, ul. Gospody

415 000 PLN

23.15 m2
Open uri20250121 20206 9fudfm?1737471736

Apartment for sale

Gdańsk, Ujeścisko, ul. Mariana Kołodzieja

730 000 PLN

62.91 m2
Small placeholder

House for sale

Gdynia, Mały Kack, ul. Wzgórze Bernadowo

1 499 000 PLN

105.0 m2
Open uri20250122 6517 xm6q9m?1737554677

Apartment for sale

Gdynia, Orłowo

2 500 000 PLN

97.62 m2
Open uri20250123 78409 tj8dz2?1737637572

Apartment for rent

Borkowo, ul. Żeglarska

2 200 PLN

39.67 m2
Open uri20250124 380 1803mec?1737709426

Apartment for sale

Gdańsk, Jasień, ul. Potęgowska

565 000 PLN

49.59 m2
Open uri20250122 7023 1rj6l6a?1737579706

Apartment for sale

Gdańsk, Łostowice, ul. Wielkopolska

830 000 PLN

66.14 m2
Open uri20240925 24878 1vetec9?1727233480

House for sale

Ostrowo, ul. Zabytkowa

2 090 000 PLN

2 250 000 PLN

423.0 m2
Open uri20241218 61837 ocs2uo?1734516557

House for sale

Władysławowo, ul. Wyzwolenia

2 650 000 PLN

505.5 m2
Open uri20240904 3400 1ju4wxs?1725463176

Local for sale

Kartuzy, ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki

2 490 000 PLN

380.0 m2
Open uri20241022 16651 jt0ipa?1729595411

Local for sale

Czernin, ul. Akacjowa

1 799 000 PLN

2 500 000 PLN

970.0 m2
Open uri20241121 35370 1c1zzr2?1732202228

House for sale


2 485 000 PLN

543.67 m2
Open uri20240730 72157 n7wbe3?1722371631

House for sale

Luzino, ul. Obrońców Westerplatte

894 000 PLN

899 000 PLN

113.0 m2
Open uri20240904 3400 ntmht7?1725461368

Apartment for sale

Straszyn, ul. prof. Zdzisława Pidka

375 000 PLN

390 000 PLN

29.0 m2
Open uri20240924 38939 1ea9qxk?1727190072

House for sale

Domatowo, ul. Dębowa

1 050 000 PLN

126.37 m2
Open uri20241218 61837 kqri68?1734516436

House for sale

Gdynia, Grabówek, ul.

4 975 000 PLN

400.0 m2
Open uri20241003 39667 15qiivy?1727924716

House for sale

Gdańsk, Kokoszki

1 399 000 PLN

1 449 000 PLN

112.95 m2
Open uri20241003 39667 1bt3lgw?1727924785

House for sale

Gdynia, Redłowo, ul. Ułańska

3 950 000 PLN

4 380 000 PLN

335.0 m2
Open uri20241017 83886 1l52oqa?1729134249

Local for sale

Banino, ul. Dąbrowa

7 400 000 PLN

7 900 000 PLN

550.0 m2
Open uri20240730 72157 1hlrpnz?1722359625

Apartment for sale

Gdańsk, Stare Miasto, ul. Rybaki Górne

599 000 PLN

23.83 m2
Open uri20240904 3400 1olbt1s?1725469339

House for sale

Szemud, ul. Mercerstwo

3 400 000 PLN

4 500 000 PLN

556.0 m2
Open uri20250123 78409 uj60vz?1737639451

Apartment for sale

Sopot, Dolny, ul. Bohaterów Monte Cassino

899 900 PLN

930 000 PLN

58.65 m2
Open uri20240422 94460 1ydawz7?1713755303

Apartment for sale

Ustka, ul. 11 Listopada

1 169 200 PLN

148.0 m2
Open uri20241021 72897 loczq1?1729508538

House for sale

Białogóra, ul. Słoneczna

3 890 000 PLN

4 129 000 PLN

629.2 m2
Open uri20250108 85623 bj6sy9?1736342664

Apartment for sale

Gdańsk, Stare Miasto, ul. Długi Targ

990 000 PLN

55.8 m2
Open uri20250114 47506 198iqoe?1736877793

House for sale

Gdańsk, Kokoszki, ul. Grzybowa

2 185 000 PLN

315.0 m2
Open uri20241202 12573 qow0vz?1733112072

Apartment for sale

Kartuzy, ul. Mściwoja II

990 000 PLN

95.81 m2
Open uri20241121 35370 anvhfi?1732201658

House for sale

Gdańsk, Oliwa, ul. Zajęcza

3 100 000 PLN

200.0 m2
Open uri20250108 85623 lp609e?1736342836

Apartment for sale

Gdańsk, Śródmieście, ul. Długi Targ

990 000 PLN

55.8 m2
Open uri20241219 64134 6cmxhl?1734580983

Apartment for sale

Gdańsk, Stare Miasto, ul. Szafarnia

1 999 000 PLN

2 049 000 PLN

91.9 m2
Open uri20241219 64134 1ch3xuu?1734581012

Apartment for sale

Gdańsk, Śródmieście, ul. Szafarnia

1 999 000 PLN

2 049 000 PLN

91.9 m2

155m2 apartament na Przymorzu 4 495 000 PLN


Luksus i komfort w najlepszej lokalizacji nad morzem 3 999 000 PLN


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